Employee management
- Add employees or edit employee information
- Tax number register and reporting to the tax number register
- The inspection of tax numbers in Employee Management
- Verify employment
- Contact person of the employee
- Export and import employee information
- Information related to employment and its default settings
- The new information requirements of Employee Management.
- Authentication of the user
- Contact details
Add employees or edit employee information
Employee Management is our new service that replaces the functions found in the Employees tab in the old Ilmoita service.
In Employee Management, users can add employee information that is used to order Valtti cards, in employee reporting of the Building Site Register service, and in the Taito Competence Register.
Add an employee
Select Add employee in the top right corner of the page
Inspect and, where required, edit employment information in the view that opens
- Industry of the employee
- Nature of employment
- The contact person of the employee. Only a user of your company’s Employee Management can be added as the contract person of the employee (linkki, mikä on työntekijän yhteyshenkilö / what is an employee contact person)
You can edit the user-specific default settings of the employment and save them for the next time by selecting Save employment information as a default setting
Enter employee information. The required information includes
- Name
- Nationality
- Country of residence
- Tax number
- Finnish personal identity code
- The identity code found on the employee’s passport or ID card, if the person is not a Finnish citizen
- The date of birth, if the employee has a temporary personal identity code
- Email address or telephone number
If you want to order a Valtti cart for the employee, also add a photograph.
- A photograph can be uploaded either by dragging it into the box separated with a grey dashed line or by selecting choose file from the box, which enables you to choose a photograph from your computer.
- You can rotate or crop the photograph added to the information of an employee by using the Edit button below the photograph. Do not forget to save the changes you have made to the photograph by clicking on the Finished button.
Read more about the quality requirements set for photographs (linkki valttikortin ohjeisiin).
Finally, save the employee information by using the Save button. If you want to continue and enter the information of another employee, select Save and add another.
Edit employee information
You can open the employee information for editing in two different ways:
- Click on the name of the employee in the employee list
- Select Edit at the bottom of the view that opens
- Click on the three dots at the right end of the employee row
- Select Edit from the menu that opens
Make the changes of your choice in the edit view and Save.
Please note that the editing of certain files has been restricted after the information has been verified and Valtti cards have been ordered. The Valtti card will be closed if the said information is edited.
- The editing of the tax number has been prevented, if the status is Included in the register.
- The name of the employee should not be edited, as this will result in the closing of the Valtti card.
- The personal identity code or the ID number cannot be edited once it has been verified in connection to the authentication of the card holder.
- The industry of the employee should not be changed, as this will result in the closing of the Valtti card.
Functions menu
In the main view of Employee Management, you can do the following by using the Functions menu
- open employee information
- open employee information in the editing view
- inspect tax number
- verify employment
- remove employee
To open the Functions menu, click on the three dots at the right end of the employee row.
You can also select several employees by ticking the selection boxes on the left side of the employee list and then select the desired function by clicking on the three dots on the right side of the heading of the employee list. This enables you to
- delete several employees at one go
- inspect several tax numbers at one go
- verify several employments at one go
Tip! Filtering tools can be found in the grey search box at the top of the main view. Click on the filter icon at the right end of the search row and select one or more filters from the menu that opens.
Tax number register and reporting to the tax number register
Working at a construction site requires that the tax number of the employee has been added to the public tax number register of the building sector.
Working at a shipyard, on the other hand, requires that the tax number of the employee has been added to the public tax number register of the shipbuilding industry.
The Employee Management service checks whether the added person is included in the tax number register of the industry that has been specified in the employee information. A Valtti card can only be ordered for employees who are included in the tax number register.
The employee can register with the tax number register of their choice
- in the MyTax service
- by calling the service number of the Finnish Tax Administration tel. +358 29497070
- by visiting the office of the Finnish Tax Administration
Employees can report the tax numbers of their employees to the tax number register
- through ilmoitin.fi
- in the MyTax service
- by calling the service number of the Finnish Tax Administration tel. +358 29497070
- by visiting the office of the Finnish Tax Administration
Read more detailed instructions of the Finnish Tax Administration at https://www.vero.fi/en/individuals/tax-cards-and-tax-returns/arriving_in_finland/work_in_finland/coming-to-a-construction-site-or-a-shipyard/Tax_number/
The inspection of tax numbers in Employee Management
The tax number of an employee whose tax number has been added to the Employee Management service will be verified immediately after his or her information has been saved from the tax number register, which is maintained by the Finnish Tax Administration.
Which tax number register will be inspected to verify the registration of the employee depends on the industries saved in the employee’s information. The industries that can be selected are the construction sector and the shipbuilding industry. You can also select both industries.
Ensure that the employee has registered with the correct tax number register and that the correct industry has been specified in their employee information. The selection of the industry determines what type of a Valtti card can be ordered for them.
The statuses of the inspection of tax number process
Included in the register: The tax number of the employee is included in the tax number register of the selected industry. You can order a Valtti card for the employee.
Not included in the register: The tax number of the employee is not included in the tax number register of the selected industry. Add the employee to the tax number register. After the employee has been added to the register, click on the Inspect tax numbers button.
The name does not match: The name specified for the employee in the Ilmoita service does not match with the name included in the Finnish Tax Administration’s register. Open the information of the employee, check the correct spelling of the name in the yellow information bar, and correct the information.
The date of birth does not match: The date of birth specified for the employee in the Ilmoita service does not match with the date of birth included in the Finnish Tax Administration’s register. Please check the date of birth.
Waiting for inspection: There is a delay in the inspection of tax numbers. Try again later by clicking on the Inspect tax numbers button.
Error: Something went wrong. Please check the correctness of the employee information and try again later.
To be noted in connection to registration with a tax number register
- If the employee has just been added to the tax number register, it will take around one hour for his or her tax number to appear in the tax number register. Please start the inspection process again later.
- In the case of a foreign employee, who has not used the MyTax service, the tax number might not appear in the tax number register until the following day. Please start the inspection process again later.
Inspect one tax number
Inclusion in the tax number register will always be inspected when you save employee information.
You can also start the inspection
- By opening the employee’s information and by selecting Inspect tax number
OR - By selecting Inspect tax number from the menu found behind the three dots at the right end of the employee row (linkki kohtaan, jossa kerrotaan toiminnot valikosta)
Inspect several tax numbers
To inspect several tax numbers at one go, use the Functions menu (linkki kohtaan, jossa kerrotaan toiminnot valikosta).
- Select the desired employees from the employee list by ticking the corresponding boxes on the left-hand side
- Open the Functions menu on the right side of the employee list heading
- Select Inspect tax numbers
Tip! You can filter onto the list only the employees whose tax number needs to be inspected.Filtering tools can be found in the grey search box at the top of the main view. Click on the filter icon at the right end of the search row and select one or more filters from the menu that opens.
Verify employment
Read detailed instructions here.
Contact person of the employee
- In Employee Management, the employment information of each employee specifies a contact person.
- Only a user who has the right to use the said company’s Employment Management can be appointed as a contact person.
- The contact person of an employee is added either from the Add an employee or the Edit the employee view.
- In both views, the details of the contact person can be found at the top of the view under Employment information.
- As a default setting, the service will suggest the user who added the employee.
The contact person information of the employee is important because
- The contact person will be contacted if information needs to be corrected
- Important notifications related to the use of the service can be sent to the contact person
- The contact person information will help the users manage data, as you can filter Own employees from the filtering menu of the main view
Tip! You can add a contact person for several employees at one go by using the Import/export function (linkki osioon, jossa kerrotaan tuo/vie toiminnallisuudesta). Import contact person information by first downloading an example file and filling in the employee’s tax number and the contact person’s username in the said file. Next, import the file to the service by clicking on the Import employee information button. In this, you can also utilise the export function, which enables you to export all employee information added to the service to an Excel or CSV file.
Tip! In the main view, you can filter into the employee list only the employees whose specified contact person you are. To do this, select Own employees from the drop-down menu that can be found behind the filter icon in the search tools.
Export and import employee information
You can add the employee information of several employees at one go or export the employee information that has been saved in the service to an Excel or CSV file.
Export employee information
You can export the information of employees added to Employee Management to an Excel or CSV file.
In the main view, select Import/Export and then Export employee information and the desired file format from the drop-down menu that opens.
Import employee information
You can download a template for importing employee information from Employee Management by clicking on the Import/export button and by selecting Download an example file.
The example file has instructions for importing information.
Fill in the required fields, marked in red, in the file you have downloaded. The required information is the same as when individual employees are being added.
Add missing information or update the employee information of several employees
You can update employee information or add missing information by using the Import employee information function.
If you want to add or update
- a contact person
- nationality
- telephone number or email address of an employee
for several employees at one go, you can use the Import employee information function.
- Select Download an example file behind the Import/export button.
- Fill in the tax numbers and the information to be added or updated into the file.
- Save the file onto your computer
- Click on Import employee information and select the file from your computer.
Information related to employment and its default settings
The basic details of the employment are saved in the information of each employee.
- Industry of the employee
- Nature of employment
- Contact person of the employee
If you want to save the basic details that are, in the future, suggested for every employee that you add, select “Save the employment information as a default setting” when you are adding a new employee. You can change the default settings at any time or modify the employment information employee-specifically.
The new information requirements of Employee Management.
With the commencement of Valtti 2.0 and the service reforms, additions have been made to the information that is saved of each employee in Employee Management. Such new information includes
- The industry of the employee is required in order to inspect the inclusion of the person’s tax number in the correct tax number register and to ensure that correct information is printed on the Valtti card.
- The contact person of the employee. More information of this can be found here (linkki osioon, jossa kerrotaan tästä).
Information that is, in the future, required for the authentication of the card holder
- The nationality of the employee
- The identity code found on the employee’s passport or ID card, if the nationality of the employee is something other than Finnish
- The contact details of the employee, email address, or telephone number
Tip! If your company has a large number of employees, you can filter into the employee list only employees whose information is incomplete.
Tip! If your company has a lot of missing employee information, you can import as a mass import by using the Import/export button (linkki osioon, jossa kerrotaan tästä).
Authentication of the user
The use of Employee Management requires digital authentication.
- Through authentication, we enhance the information security of the service, are able to eliminate opportunities for misuse, and ensure that the information of your company’s employees is as safe as possible.
- Authentication is a one-off measure and is completed by means of online banking credentials or a mobile ID. The authentication can also be completed by using an Estonian Smart ID or a Swedish Freja eID.
- Through authentication, we ensure that you are who you say you are, for which reason the authentication must be completed by using one’s personal credentials.
- No banking details are saved in Vastuu Group’s system in connection to the authentication process. The only information that is saved is the successful completion of the authentication and the information that is required to link the authentication to the user.
Contact details
There is a "Contact details" tab in Employee management.
On this tab, you can fill in the contact person for Employee management, the contact person for reporting to the Tax Administration, and the employer's contact details if the company has posted employees.
Contact person for Employee Management
Adding the contact person for employee management is mandatory. The contact person for employee management must be a user of the company account. We will send messages to the contact person, including regarding the confirmation of employment.
Main contractors need this information for various reporting tasks to the Tax Administration. This information is required, for example:
- As the contact person for the supplier in contract reporting
- As the contact person for the employer in employee reporting
- As the contact person for the reporting entity in company-submitted reports
When you enter this information here, certain interfaces of Vastuu Group will return this information to the main contractors during employee searches and report generation.
Management of this contact information has been transferred from the "Register to a work site" service to Employee Management. The contact information will still be displayed in the "Register to a work site" service, but management is now done in Employee Management.
Employer’s Representative in Finland
If your company has posted employees for whom an A1 certificate has been uploaded to the employee’s documents, the authorities may require this information from the main contractor, for example, for the submission of official documents. Certain interfaces of Vastuu Group will return this information to the main contractors during employee searches. This information does not need to be filled in, nor will it be forwarded to anyone, if your company does not have posted employees in Finland.
NOTE! At this stage, this information is not yet being forwarded to anyone, but it will be added later as part of the Valtti+ Tarkastaja service. Although this information is not currently being forwarded, we still recommend filling it in if your company has posted employees.