Valtti cards delivery address
You can save the frequently used Valtti card delivery addresses as favourite addresses or enter a new address for a single delivery.
Saving the favourite address
Go to the Card service and select the Contact details tab.
Go to the Card service, add the Valtti cards you want to purchase to the shopping basket, and select “Checkout”.
Enter the address of your choice and select “Add”.
You will also be taken to the same view during the Valtti card ordering process when asked to enter the delivery address. In the grey box, select the Favourite delivery addresses tab and then “Manage addresses”. You can go back to the card order by using the return button of your browser (back arrow) or by selecting the Card order tab and going to the checkout a second time.
Using a favourite address
The addresses you have entered in the Contact details tab can be selected from the drop-down menu under Favourite delivery addresses.
Deleting a favourite address
You can delete a favourite address in the Contact details tab. Click on the minus mark in front of the address to be deleted.
Entering an address for a one-off order
The delivery address of Valtti card orders can also be entered manually. Select in the grey box of the summary page the “manually entered delivery address” tab and enter the desired address. The address can be in any European country.
C/O Field
For all orders, the company name will automatically be added as the recipient to the delivery address. If you want to send the order to a different address than the company's address, please add the recipient's details in the C/O field when placing the order.