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Order trainings

This is an additional feature of Employee Management that allows you to order training sessions for your employees.

An Employee Management user can order training for your company’s employees.

Currently, training sessions can be ordered from our training partners:

  • Verkkokoulu
  • Peilipinta


The training is available in the form of both webinars and online courses. Online courses can be taken at any time, while webinars have a maximum participant limit and specific scheduled sessions.

You can view available training sessions on the "Training" tab.


Ordering Trainings

There are two ways to order training:


Method 1:

Select the desired employee from the employee list in Employee Management. Click the "Order Training" button above the employee list.


Select the desired course from the list that you want the employee to attend:


Method 2

Go to the "Trainings" tab.


The page will automatically display the available training sessions. You can also search for your desired training using the filter function:


Click the "Order Training" button.

From this point on, both ordering methods are the same.


If you are ordering a webinar training, select the course date and type:


After this, you will receive more information about the course:


Please note some course descriptions are currently only in Finnish.

Please note that if you already have an existing customer agreement with the training provider, the price will follow the terms of the agreement, even if the normal price is displayed during the ordering process.

Click "Continue."

Finally, select the employees you want to order the training for from the search field. You can search for an employee using their tax number or name. Please note that the employee must already be added to Employee Management:



Finally, fill in the employees' contact details if they are not automatically pre-filled:


After clicking “Continue” button you will end up to Order summary page. Please check payment information and click “Confirm order”.


You will receive a message from both the Responsibility Group and the trainer. In the trainer's message, you will find more detailed instructions related to the training.


Tracking Ordered Training


You can view the ordered training sessions on the "Training orders" tab:


On this tab, you will see the following information:

  • Details about the training
  • The time the training was ordered
  • The date of the training
  • Who the training was ordered for and who has completed the training

Frequently Asked Questions

I accidentally ordered training for the wrong person. What should I do?

Unfortunately, orders cannot be modified or cancelled through Vastuu Group services once the order is made. Please contact the training provider directly.

I ordered training, why do I receive an invoice?

Vastuu Group Oy only acts as an intermediary for the order and does not invoice for training. The invoice will come directly from the trainer. For billing inquiries, please contact the training provider. The billing method is always e-invoicing.

Why can’t I find the training participant using the search function?

Make sure you have entered the name or tax number correctly in the search field. Also, please note that the employee must be added to Employee Management in order to be included in the order.

I completed the course, but I can’t see it in Employee Management under the employee’s information?

In order for the certification to appear, the company must have an active Valtti+ license, and the employee’s tax number must be registered in the tax number registry.