Compromised credentials
If you suspect that the credentials you use to access Vastuu Group’s services have been compromised, please have them disabled immediately by contacting Vastuu Group’s customer service either by emailing to customerservice(at) or by calling +358 600 301 339 (Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00, €1.52/min + service charge; queuing is free of charge). Please include the word urgent in the subject line of your email message.
Customer service
Our customer service offers support based on customer service requests made by your company by phone, by email, or through the chat feature.
Our customer service does not need and never requests the following information or measures from you:
- to disclose or send any passwords or PIN codes related to the user accounts of Vastuu Group’s services
- to disclose or send any bank/credit card details or online banking credentials by email, by phone, or through social media
- to disclose online banking credentials
- to disclose usernames or passwords to email accounts, social media accounts, or smart phone user accounts
- to permit the user’s computer or mobile phone to be accessed through a remote connection
- to install any programmes on the user’s computer or mobile phone
Invoices and payments
Invoices and payment reminders related to invoices will always be sent to corporate customers by using the invoicing address and other contact information linked with the company account. You can check your company’s the valid invoicing and contact details by signing in into your company account.
In all invoices that are sent by Vastuu Group, the specified recipient is always Vastuu Group Oy and the account is Nordea FI96 1228 3000 0047 45 (NDEAFIHH). If the invoice is not paid despite a payment reminder, Vastuu Group will transfer the invoice to debt collection. Visma Financial Solutions Oy will be responsible for the debt collection process.
Our service sales
Our services are principally aimed at corporate clients. Our services can be subscribed to directly through our website. The telephone marketing of our services is conducted by our own staff and our cooperation partners. Our salespersons will always introduce themselves by stating their name and the company’s name. You can ensure that the person who called you is employed by Vastuu Group by calling them through Vastuu Group’s telephone switchboard. Alternatively, you can request that the salesperson proves their identity electronically through the SignSpace service.
For additional information on how to protect yourself against phishing emails and online scams, see the following links:
The Consumers' Union of Finland (in Finnish)
National Cyber Security Centre Guides for individuals and companies
Finnish Tax Administration, Grey economy and economic crime