Suomen Tilaajavastuu changed its brand on 18th of November 2019 and is now Vastuu Group Oy. The reports created before the branding change have Tilaajavastuu layout. Both Tilaajavastuu and Vastuu Group company reports have the similar data content. Only the look of the report has changed.
Articles in this section
- Why are there reports with different looks in the report archive?
- What is the Valvoja service?
- Why could I not add all companies in Valvoja?
- Why can’t I find reports on all companies in Valvoja?
- Can I add non-Finnish companies to Valvoja?
- Can I order work from a company whose report shows the STOP symbol?
- Can I order work from a company whose report shows the Investigate symbol?
- Can I order work from a company whose report shows the Attention symbol?
- Can I order work from a company whose report shows the Information pending symbol?