- Creating a new account for a Finnish company
- Creating a new account for a foreign company
- Creating a new account for a foreign company with a Finnish business ID (Y-tunnus)
- Contact details
- Invoicing details
Creating a new account for a Finnish company
- In the log in screen, choose “Create a new account”
- Or if you already have an account, you can register a new company directly from the organisation menu choosing the Register a new company option.
- Select Finland as country, fill in the company name and Finnish Business ID (Y-tunnus).
- Sign out if you wish to change user profile. Please remember to accept the terms of use before proceeding.
Creating a new account for a foreign company
- In the log in screen, choose “Create a new account”
- Or if you already have an account, you can register a new company directly from the organisation menu choosing the Register a new company option.
- Select Country of tax residence, fill in the company name and Business ID.
- Please use the register number of the company's home country. (If the company has additionally a Finnish company ID (y-tunnus) and you want to add it to the account, please contact our customer service through chat or customerservice(at)vastuugroup.fi. If the Finnish company ID is added to the account, it will show on the Valtti cards together with your country code (i.e. EE or LT).
- Sign out if you wish to change user profile. Please remember to accept the terms of use before proceeding.
Creating a new account for a foreign company with a Finnish business ID (Y-tunnus)
- In the log in screen, choose “Create a new account”
- Or if you already have an account, you can register a new company directly from the organisation menu choosing the Register a new company option.
- Select Country of tax residence, fill in the company name and Business ID.
- Please use the register number of the company's home country. To add the Finnish business ID (Y-tunnus) to the account, please contact our customer service through chat or customerservice(at)vastuugroup.fi. When the Finnish company ID is added to the account, it will show on the Valtti cards together with your country code (i.e. EE or LT).
- Sign out if you wish to change user profile. Please remember to accept the terms of use before proceeding.
Contact details
- Fill in the contact details and choose Continue
Invoicing details
Choose invoicing method and fill in the e-invoicing information. If you are not able to receive e-invoices choose to receive E-mail or Paper Invoices instead. After choosing Finish you will be directed to your own company account.
Note, that creating a company account does not automatically join your company to the Reliable Partner service. You can join the service by choosing Join the Reliable Partner service.