To join the service, you need to have a registered company account. If you don't have a company account yet, you can register one here.
Once logged in, you can access the membership form by clicking on the "Reliable Partner" box on the main page.
Note! If you are already a Reliable Partner, you can upgrade your membership to version 2.0 through the Reliable Partner page on your company account (separate signature is not required, main user rights are sufficient).
Before filling out the membership form, make sure you have the following information ready:
- Personnel and legal matters: Have your accident insurance certificate ready.
- Responsibility and additional information: Attach any company certificates in PDF format if desired.
- Payment method and signatories: You will need the birthdates of persons with signing authority.
Entering subcontractor responsibility information on the form
Responsibility (ESG) and additional information
Payment method, signatories, and terms
Entering Contractor's Liablity Act information on the form
In the first step, enter the information required by the Contractor's liability act. Whether the company has hired labor or not (the first item, Työvoima, TyEL, and TES) determines which information is mandatory according to the Contractor's liability act.
Company has hired labor
If the company has hired labor, enter all mandatory information:
- Collective agreement TES (you can choose more than one if necessary)
- Pension insurance company TyEL
- Does the company have employees coming from outside the EU or EEA to Finland?
- This refers to employees who are not citizens of the EU or EEA but work in Finland. This is asked because employees from outside the EU/EEA need a different work permit and other permits. This information helps your clients verify that the permits are up to date.
- Occupational health care (you can choose more than one if necessary)
- Mandatory accident insurance for employees
Tax payment information is updated automatically for us from the Tax Administration within about one business day.
Company does not have hired labor
If the company does not have hired labor, all information is voluntary. Tax payment information is updated automatically for us from the Tax Administration within about one business day.
Liability insurance information
Liability insurance is optional additional information on the report. However, please indicate in the form whether we may retrieve your company's liability insurance information automatically from the insurance company, if available. Please also indicate your current insurance company if available.
If you have hired labor, attach the certificate of mandatory accident insurance and, if desired, a certificate of TyEL insurance validity. Additionally, you can attach a certificate of liability insurance and entrepreneur accident insurance.
Responsibility (ESG) and additional information
In this section, you can fill in the information regarding your company's responsibility (ESG) and upload up to 10 certificates or other evidence that you want to appear on your report. Please do not add any documents containing personal data.
After adding the attachment(s), you can edit its name and choose the attachment type.
Payment method, signatories and terms
The billing address comes directly from your company's account information. If you want to change the billing method, you can do so in your company account's basic information after submitting the application.
Check who in your company has signing authority according to the trade register extract and enter the person's details in the fields.
Finally, review the service's privacy policy, terms of service, and price. Then proceed to the summary by clicking the Continue to Summary (Jatka yhteenvetoon) button.
Summary and order
On the summary page, you can review the information you've entered and edit it if necessary by clicking on the Edit icon (Muokkaa) in the top right corner.
Once you've reviewed the information, click the Order Service (Tilaa) button.
The signature request will be sent via our SignSpace service to the signatory. The processing time for the membership authorization is approximately 1-2 business days (weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm). You will receive a notification when your company has been added to the service. While waiting for membership approval, you can only edit the information you provided in the Responsibility and additional information section.