The status of a Reliable Partner Report is based on information provided by the company and from our various data sources.
- The OK symbol means that your contractor’s obligations are met according to our information sources. The symbol is used when there are no items missing, to be noted or clarified in the company information.
- The symbol does not prevent ordering work. The ordering party should request a clarification of the missing information to comply with the requirements of the Contractor’s Obligations Act.
- According to the company, it is not obligated to be registered in the register.
- The “Attention” symbol is used when the client should take an exception into account for the supplier, such as exemption from VAT registration, for example. Your company, the supplier, should send the necessary proof of the exception to the client on their request.
- Also possible when the company is registered in the Finnish Tax Authority's Tax Debt Register. The court has imposed 1. a temporary debt collection ban related to a restructuring application, or 2. the court has made a decision on the initiation of preventive or normal restructuring proceedings. Review the report's tax payment information and request more information from the contract partner.
- The symbol does not prevent the client from ordering work.
- According to the data sources the company has something to be clarified!
- Your company report may have the “Investigate” symbol for the following reasons:
- Tax payment information needs to be clarified, and/or
- Pension insurance information needs to be clarified.
- Contact the customer service of the Tax Administration and/or your pension insurance company to find out the reason for the symbol and settle missed payments. Submit payment certificates to Vastuu Group to remove the symbol.
- NOTE: “Investigate” symbol does not prevent cooperation between supplier and client if the neglected obligations are fulfilled.
- The STOP symbol appears on your company report if one of the following is visible on your company’s Trade Register Extract:
- a person with a ban on business operations
- the company has been liquidated according to the Finnish Business Information System
- the company is bankrupt according to the Finnish Business Information System
- the company is no longer operational according to the Finnish Business Information System
Why does the “Selvitettävää”, or “Investigate”, notification go to my clients?
Your client is using our Valvoja service. This is a service for clients with which they can automatically monitor their suppliers’ compliance with the Contractor’s Obligations Act. Valvoja service users can, for example, add companies to a monitoring list by construction site in which case a notification about the report will also be seen by the administrator of the monitoring list.
Can I have an advance notification about a report that is about to change to “Selvitettävää”, or “Investigate”, status?
We will always notify you about changes to report status by email. Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to notify you about this in advance, because Vastuu Group Oy is obligated to publish information from pension insurance companies and the Tax Administration without delay.